Cardiff national  ice skating club (CNISC)

Cardiff National Ice Skating Club is held at Vindico Arena every Saturday morning (except Christmas and New Year’s Day) from 07:00 - 08:00 and costs £8 a session.

There are also additional sessions on Mondays 6-7pm. Please check availably for Monday sessions via Facebook.

The club welcomes skaters from a wide range of ages and ability levels and takes a skater-focused approach, aiming to assist all skaters in achieving whatever goals they have personally chosen to focus on and do so in a safe, friendly environment which offers the opportunity for exercise, socialisation, the development of skills & lots of fun.

We provide a high standard of expert training from experienced and certified coaches, and give skaters the opportunity to participate in structured competitions, BIS formal tests, Galas & off ice club outings.

Members of the club have taken part in Galas, European Competitions, BIS British Championships, Dancing on Ice, Cardiff's Winter Wonderland & S4C programming.

If you would like to join us, come along for an assessment with our head coach.

For further information please contact Andy Corcoran - Chairman

Kid's Parties
Put a smile on your little one’s face with a birthday party at Vindico Arena. With heaps of excitement for all, we’ll host a birthday party that everyone will remember!
Find out more