
About our courses

Our Learn To Skate Programme is being updated!

We will now be running 1 hour sessions. This means more time on the ice, structured sessions and the chance to be moved up when you need it and not just at the end of a course.

We would like to give our skaters the opportunity to move through the levels more quickly. To do this, we will have off ice and on ice warmups, focused lessons with time for progression exercises and either free time or on ice games at the end of the lesson.


Why has there been an LTS price increase?

Double the lesson time, comes at cost unfortunately. But don't worry, we have not doubled the price! You will be saving £5 per lesson.

Why have we changed the length of the LTS lesson by 1 hour?

Many skaters would like to move up the levels more quickly and move forward into higher level programmes. To achieve this, we need more time on the ice, structured warm ups and time to get on the ice and into your groups.

What is the nature of the new Monday session we have added? Is it just for children?

The new Youth Monday session from 16:45 - 17:45 is for anyone age 12 years and above, so, adults are welcome to join.

Why is the programme different and why will it provide value for money?

Double the time on the ice allows for quicker progression and smaller groups. This means more attention for each skater.

What else do we have planned to improve our provision moving forward?

Accessible information for all skaters, new programmes to aim for and open communication where we take your feedback into action.

For ages 7 and under for all lessons, a helmet and gloves are required.

When booking your course online, please ensure you click the correct start date (found below) and that you add 1 ticket your basket. 1 ticket = 1 course.

If you are confident skater or have done skating lessons previously but not with Vindico Arena before, you must book onto Level 1 where you will be assessed by a coach, who will then amend your level accordingly. 

Course Days & Times

The next set of courses will begin 24th April

Monday 24th June (Adults Only)1 - Gold: 19:15-20:15

Monday 24th June (ages 12 +)  1 - Gold: 16:45 - 17:45 

Wednesday 26th June  Level 1 - Gold: 16:45-17:45

Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th June

Level Tots - 8   09:30-10:30  

Level 1 - Gold   10:30 - 11:30

To book online, click the book now button and select your preferred date on the calendar or contact the Box Office team on 02920789630

Book Now

Monday 19th June- Monday 24th July 2023

Adults only

Levels 1-4: 19:15pm - 19:45pm

Levels 5-Gold: 19:45pm - 20:15pm

Wednesday 21st June - Wednesday 26th July 2023

Levels 1-4: 16:45pm - 17:15pm

Levels 5-Gold: 17:15pm - 17:45pm

Saturday 24th June - Saturday 29th July 2023

Levels 8, B, S, G: 09:30am - 10:00am

Levels 5 - 7 & Skate Tots: 10:00am - 10:30am

Levels 3 - 4: 10:30am - 11:00am

Level 1 - 2: 11:00am - 11:30am

Sunday 25th June - Sunday 30th July 2023

Levels 8, B, S, G: 09:30am - 10:00am

Levels 5-7 & Skate Tots: 10:00am - 10:30am

Levels 3 - 4: 10:30am - 11:00am

Level 1 - 2: 11:00am - 11:30am

Kid's Parties
Put a smile on your little one’s face with a birthday party at Vindico Arena. With heaps of excitement for all, we’ll host a birthday party that everyone will remember!
Find out more